A Revolutionary Personal Cooling Fan by Cool on the Go® will Keep You Cooler in Several Ways

With one easy step we will cool you down when facing the heat while exercising or running errands which can be drenching for your body. Most people know when their body is overheated or feeling a little “stuffy,” it can be irritating, but this shouldn’t mean being drenched with sweat.

When your body doesn’t have enough fluids, it will cause your body’s heat to rise. And, if you live in an area where the heat is high, keeping cool can be a task in itself (carrying water bottles, fanning yourself with a paper,…etc.).  With Cool on the Go’s® portable personal cooling fan, your body’s heat will ultimately cool and calm you down. In extremely worse case scenarios, it can help you during those humid or hot days. It’s also small enough to fit on a belt or inside a purse which will allow for a convenient way to stay secured and assured with this personal cooling system. Eventually, it will keep you cool conveniently and safely, plus with such a versatile cooling mechanism, Cool on the Go® personal cooling fan is hands-free.

 Just Be Cool wherever You Go

For those sports enthusiasts, Cool on the Go® is simple to use at times when you need both hands just to get a drink out while you’re jogging or exercising, plus keeping you from getting dehydrated. This hands-free cooling system is not so much for relying on liquids but to cool your body down when needed most.  Even more, if you’re at a sports event, the fan’s cooling system keeps you at ease with a breeze while watching the game, freeing them with that drink or food you need while watching your favorite sports team without missing a play.  This is the case for those other products that do not have an enclosed fan which can cause injury. Also, with the types of fans available today, they may not be 100% quality efficient.

Our hands free Cool on the Go® cooling fan system is 100% quality efficient and will give you that cool breeze-like air you’ll need when feeling hot or feverish. The cooling fan allows your hands to be free while you’re able to take care of other things. Plus, the world’s most versatile personal cooling fan can conveniently help you since it’s small enough to take anywhere.  During those heated moments and days of your life, whether in the spring, summer, or any season, rest assure that you have a safety net for cooling your body safely and conveniently.  What’s more, your hands are free and that’s always a convenient way to stay on top of your game while keeping yourself cool and refreshed all day with the personal cooling fan  Cool on the Go®

The Durable and Portable Convenient Fan

Cool on the Go® contains 3 multipurpose accessories which allow you to be hands free and cool anywhere you go.  This creative and innovative design complements USB and includes D/C input allowing Cool on the Go® for various functionalities.  Plus, you can operate it with batteries (4 AA not included) or without (4 hours of use fully charged).  In addition, it can be powered by an A/C adapter or USB car adapters (sold separately).  Lightweight and portable, use it while you’re walking, doing household chores, even for clasping on your belt while working outside; plus other places wherever your body can go on overdrive. Rest assure that you’ll be cool and collected when using the Cool on the Go® personal cooling fan.

Reasons why you Need a Portable Personal cooling fan.

There are many reasons why you may need a portable personal cooling fan.  It will leave you with a lightweight, yet portable system for cooling your body when needed most: such as exercising (treadmill, walking, stationary bike…), or taking a stroll in a park, running errands, or if you have a disability which has forced you to use a cane or walker.  Using it can help not hinder your situation when needed most and with a switch of a button it will help you get out of “a rut,” plus, if you have other health ailments like hot flashes this will most ultimately help with a little breeze.

Plus, if you’re working in the garden, at a pool sunbathing, for your baby’s stroller, your kid’s backpack, wear it on your belt, or conveniently under your shirt, it basically keeps your body at a cooler temperature.  There are several ways to use this convenient personal cooling fan by Cool on the Go®.  This personal cooling fan really is portable, lightweight, all while leaving your hands free.

 Working to Stay Cool with an Enclosed  Cooling Fan

This handy cooling fan works simply by clasping the device. This is coined as The Lanyard:  exclusively for the sport enthusiasts, attaches the safety connectors in order to secure the lanyard around your neck. Simple because of the built-in adjuster which positions it at the desired length, hence, creating a breeze directed from the positioned fan. Thus, your face, neck or even behind your head will be cooler, and another clever way is to attach the folded clip to a car visor, purse strap, on the side of a stroller, or even, an infant’s seat. The air will circulate inside the vehicle when positioning it the way you want.  Check out our testimonials and see what others are saying about the personal cooling system.

 Personal Cooling System’s 30 Day Policy you Will Not Want To Return

Our return policy by Enterprises, LLC, offers a (30) day money back guarantee and a one (1) year limited with product manufacturing date on it.

Contact our very helpful representatives at 305-333-9005, conveniently shop online or order at Amazon.com. You’ll be happy you did!