Monthly Archives: April 2015

Mini Fans

Summer is almost upon us, and even though winter is still hanging on by a thread I can see the future… a future of complaining about it being too hot!  Soon it will be time for people to travel to theme parks, concerts, beaches and state fairs.  These summer hot-spots are usually packed with people, […]

An Innovative Personal Cooling System

You won’t blow your cool with Cool On The Go™. An innovative personal cooling system that keeps you cool on those hot, muggy, summer days. Developed in south Florida in the summer of 2010 by Rey Cantin. “I was frustrated with having no way to cool off when I was outside in the blazing sun. […]

Why Clip-On Fans for Baby Strollers Are a Summer Lifesaver

One of the most concerning seasonal challenges parents must face is the incessant heat affecting your young children during the summer. Shade from a stroller canopy can provide adequate protection from harmful UV rays, but if there is no air movement then concerns about heat stroke may arise. Heat stroke is life threatening and one […]

A Revolutionary New Desk Fan

With summer just around the corner, we can look forward to hot sunny afternoons, trips to the beach, relaxing  in the swimming pool, cooling down with ice cream and cold drinks, and much more. While we all look forward to having a fun summer, the sweltering heat can be a damper. As temperatures rise, our […]